How it works:

Volume 4 Notes:
This is my first progressive overload program and it is a doozy (in the best way)! Volume 4 has a home or gym option and we will focus on the same movements each week as we increase weight and decrease reps. The goal is to repeat for 12+ weeks to overload those muscles, causing them to break down and grow back stronger.
Week 1: Day 1: Legs (Gym Version)
Day In The Volume 4 Life
Warm Up
5 minute treadmill walk
Barbell Back Squats
5 Sets
Reps 12, 10, 8, 8, 6
(Build weight with each set)
+ 3 sets with reps to failure at a do-able weight
Superset 1
4 Sets Total
- 12 reps Dumbbell Straight Leg Deadlift
- 12 reps Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat (ea. leg)
Single Leg Extensions
4 Sets
10 reps each leg
Single Leg Hamstring Curls
4 sets
10 reps each leg
Superset 2
3 Sets Total
12 reps Wide Stance Leg Press
12 reps Close Stance Leg Press
Barbell Hip Thrust
4 sets
8-10 reps
Heavy Dumbell Lunges
4 sets to failure
Seated Calf Raises
3 sets of 12 reps
Standing Calf Raises
3 sets
20 reps
Back Extensions
3 sets
15 reps
Core Circuit
3 sets total
- Decline Crunches
- Floor Sit Ups
- 1 minute Plank