• Submit Your Payment.

    After you purchase, you will be automatically redirected to download the app.

  • Create An Account or Log In.

    Make sure that you log in to the app with the same email that you used to purchase your training program.

  • Workout With Me!

    Your program will be automatically loaded to your account so that you can get started NOW! Instructional videos, training tracking, and more are all available inside.

    Can't wait to see you there!

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Volume 7 Notes:

As your self-proclaimed "fairy quad mother", I HAD to create Volume 7 just for you. 🧚‍♀️ Here’s the tea: focusing on our lower body is SUCH a game-changer. Not only does it torch that stubborn fat, but it also sculpts those legs that can be challenging to transform. Let's create gorgeous gams by training legs 3x weekly TOGETHER.