How it works:

Volume 1 Notes:
This is one of my most advanced cross-fit style programs so get ready to sweat! You will start the day with a compound lift and then work your way into an AMRAP (as many reps as possible) or EMOM (every minute on the minute) HIIT cardio.
Week 1: Day 1
Day In The Volume 1 Life
Warm Up
4 Rounds:
- 20 light kettlebell swings
- 20 kettlebell push press
- 20 jumping squats
- 20 mountain climbers
20 Minutes of Work: A1 Superset
6 Tempo Back Squats
65% of 1 rep max weight
Tempo 3:2:1
(3 seconds down, 2 second hold, 1 second up)
Cont. 20 Minutes of Work: A2 Superset
KB Heavy Sumo Squat Deficit
Max reps in 30 seconds
Rest for 30 seconds between supersets
15 Minute AMRAP: B1 Superset
20 Dumbbell Thrusters
Cont. 15 Minute AMRAP: B2 Superset
20 Burpee over Dumbbell
15 Minute AMRAP: C1 Superset
50 Front Rack Walking Lunges
Cont. 15 Minute AMRAP: C2 Superset
15 Devil Press