How it works:

Volume 2 Notes:
All workouts will be doable with dumbbells, which I love about this program. It's perfect for an intense at-home sweat! They are all strength HIIT workouts with fun challenges and cardio bursts.
Week 1: Day 1
Day In The Volume 2 Life
Warm Up
EMOM - 16 Minutes
- 8 Reverse Burpees
- 30 Jumping Lunges
30 Minute AMRAP
- Buy in to start AMRAP 1 Round
- 10 Man Makers
- 50 Burpees
Working set as many rounds as possible
- 300 Meter Run
- 30 Air Squats
- 15 Push Press
Buy Out (After The 30 Minute AMRAP)
10 Man Makers
50 Burpees